El Original
1313 E. Erwin Tyler TX
When you are looking for Mexican food you that don't want to stop eating, Don Juan El Original is the place. It's like a foodies dream. The Original is off the beaten path and still draws a crowd-- i.e., its good! The chow is consistent, you always know what you are getting. I have tried many things here, chicken fajitas being one of my favorites. Their bean tacos with cheese and avocado are to die for, and the DJ queso with bread should be illegal. All the menu items are reasonably priced, and tacos are $1.45 each. Some other things to try are the quesadilla, beef tacos on corn, sopas- heck its all good. The only thing that leaves a bit to be desired is the dessert. The flan is hit or miss, sometimes it is good, sometimes it's not. Eat here. Nom Nom Nom! I know I will!
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